6 Causes of Back Pain in Dogs

Have you ever experienced back pain? Most people would answer yes. Back pain is very common in humans. But this condition can be difficult to diagnose in pets, and we don’t know how common it is in dogs.
One thing we do know? It’s almost certainly more common than we think, because dogs hide their symptoms so well!
Dog Back Pain Symptoms: Signs of Trouble
There are lots of different causes of canine back pain. Every dog is different, so symptoms may not be the same from dog to dog. But here are some signs that might signal back pain:
Stiffness. Some dogs might appear more stiff than usual.
Limping. If your dog is limping, it’s possible that your dog has back pain. But limping can point to other problems like a pulled muscle, sprain, or paw problems, too.
A change in gait. Is your dog walking differently—such as a sway in the walk or a short stride? This could be a signal of back problems. A change in gait is also common in pets with arthritis.
Holding their head low. Dogs with upper back pain and neck pain may also hold their head low and stiff and appear depressed.
Mood and behavior changes. You may even find that your dog becomes grumpy, or avoids contact with you or other pets. This could signal your dog is in pain.
There are many different signs of back pain in dogs. Some dogs will cry out, but others may be more stoic, making the signs easy to miss.
Of course, there are some types of back problems in dogs that are very easy to spot. A slipped disk usually occurs with a jolt—such as jumping off the sofa or during play. These dogs will cry out and freeze to instinctively protect their backs. They may walk away very stiffly, or may be weak or unable to walk at all if there is nerve damage.
This sort of sudden back pain is always an emergency and you should take your dog to the vet ASAP.
Chronic, ongoing back pain is trickier to diagnose. Dogs don’t know that pain relief exists, so they don’t know that they should tell us they’re sore. As mentioned, dogs with chronic back pain may be a little stiff, or have changed their behavior to protect themselves. They may lie down and get up differently, or eat their food more slowly.
Dogs with lower back pain may also struggle to go to the bathroom properly, as they find it hard to get into the correct position.
Causes of Back Pain in Dogs

There are lots of causes of back pain in dogs. Some are very serious, and others are common, minor pains associated with old age. The following conditions can cause back pain in dogs:
Spinal Arthritis
Spinal arthritis is a common cause of back pain in dogs, but it’s hard to determine how painful it is. The spine has hundreds of tiny joints that, when affected with arthritis, cause grating pain when a dog moves.
Remember that arthritis doesn’t just affect older dogs. Boxers and German Shepherds often get spinal arthritis at a younger age, and dogs that have had injuries of the back sometimes develop it.
Discospondylitis is another disease that causes back pain. In this case, a bacterial infection causes inflammation in the vertebrae. This condition is very painful for dogs. Dogs diagnosed with it usually respond well to antibiotics, but are likely to go on to have spinal arthritis.
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a very serious and painful disease of the spine. In IVDD, discs can prolapse (known as a slipped disc) or protrude. This disc material puts pressure on the spinal cord, causing severe pain and even paralysis of the legs in some cases. The amount of damage depends on the location and severity of the prolapse. IVDD is more common in some breeds, such as Dachshunds.
Spinal Trauma
Spinal fractures are not common, but can occur in dogs who are fed a poor diet or have been in an accident. Dogs can also have neck pain and even fractures related to poor use of dog collars during training.
Pulled Muscles, Strains, and Sprains
Muscle and soft tissue injuries are also possible. Just as your back may be sore after exercise, your dog’s might be too. This is especially true of sport dogs such as agility dogs, who do a lot of exercise, twisting and turning in the air. If your dog has pulled a muscle in their back, they may walk stiffly or prefer not to walk at all. They may also cry out when attempting to run or jump. Often these dogs will heal without incident, sometimes just needing some time to rest.
Lastly, meningitis is an important cause of back pain in dogs. The meninges is a layer that covers the brain and spinal cord, and in meningitis it becomes inflamed. Unlike humans, who contract meningitis from bacteria, dogs usually have a sterile meningitis. This type flares up their immune system, causing severe spinal pain without any bacterial or fungal infection.
Meningitis usually affects young dogs. They’re usually depressed, have a lack of appetite, and they may vomit. But, most importantly, they are unable to move their necks much, and will often yelp if it’s attempted. These dogs can be treated by a veterinarian and will often make a full recovery over time.
Back Pain Treatment for Dogs

The treatment options for back pain in dogs depend on the cause of the pain. Treatment regimens may consist of one or a combination of the following:
Pain Medications
Where there is pain, pain medications are essential. Your vet will likely prescribe pain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
Regardless of exactly what is going on with your dog’s back, rest is usually also prescribed. This is to prevent further damage to the spine. Your veterinarian will tell you the level of rest expected, but crate rest is usually recommended. This means your dog needs to stay in their crate at all times, except for bathroom breaks. Bathroom breaks are usually done on leash so you can maintain control of your dog and prevent them from making any sudden movement.
For spinal fractures and certain types of IVDD, dog spine surgery might be necessary. This type of surgery is extremely sensitive and should only be carried out by somebody with specialized qualifications and experience. It is likely that you’ll have to travel to a referral center for this sort of treatment. Spinal surgery is often expensive, but it may be the only way for dogs to walk after trauma.
For meningitis, steroids are the mainstay of treatment. This is a long treatment, usually several months of twice-daily medications. The dose must be very carefully and slowly reduced over time to prevent the dog from relapsing. Fortunately, steroid therapy is usually inexpensive and easy to administer.
Acupuncture is becoming recognized as a legitimate, evidence-based treatment, including for back pain in dogs. This type of treatment is not suitable for dogs with acute back pain caused by an injury, but may be more helpful for dogs with chronic and ongoing back problems related to spinal arthritis or a pulled muscle.
How to Help Your Dog’s Back Pain at Home

If your dog is experiencing back pain, there are things you can do at home to help your pup rest, recover, and find relief.
Weight Loss
A lot of dogs that end up with back pain are overweight. Helping your dog to lose weight is an important part of reducing pressure on their backs. It can be very hard to do, especially if your dog has also been prescribed rest, but is essential for a good recovery. Speak with your veterinarian about a weight loss program for your dog.
CBD Products
While CBD products for pets are relatively new and research is still being done, studies show that cannabidiol can reduce inflammation and pain in dogs caused by arthritis. Start a conversation with your veterinarian about your choices and what to look for in products.
Joint Supplements
Starting your dog on joint supplements may help to ensure they get the correct nutrients for joint repair. Still, you should discuss this with your vet, as some supplements may interact with other medications your dog is on.
Rest and Comfort
It’s important that your dog rests. Even if your vet doesn’t prescribe crate rest, exercise caution around things that can cause further injury, such as jumping out of the car or going up and down the stairs. Providing a car ramp, stair ramp, or steps onto the sofa can help them to live their best life while protecting their back.
You should also think about your pet’s bed—an orthopedic mattress can provide needed support. You should also consider finding a suitable harness for your dog that doesn’t put pressure on the affected areas. Your veterinarian can help you with this.
How to Prevent Dog Back Injuries
Of course, preventing back injuries from happening in the first place and optimizing your pet’s back health should be a priority. Pay close attention to the following areas of your dog’s lifestyle to help prevent dog back pain.
It’s important to feed your dog a nutritionally balanced, complete diet formulated for their size and lifestage. Home-cooked diets and other diets that are not properly balanced can cause bones and joints to not grow properly, and too much or too little calcium can cause bone problems. This is especially true when dogs are growing.
With excess weight comes extra pressure on the spine and back. Preventing your dog from becoming overweight and maintaining the ideal weight for their size, age, and breed is essential. Get your dog’s Body Condition Score regularly checked at your veterinary practice to ensure they’re not carrying excess fat.
Getting your pet the right amount of exercise can be difficult, but keeping your dog fit is important. Low-intensity exercise such as hydrotherapy is a great way to ensure your dog is in tip-top condition without putting extra pressure through aging or already damaged spinal joints.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I give my dog for back pain?
The treatment plan for back pain in dogs ultimately depends on its cause. Your veterinarian may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, muscle relaxants, or other medication to treat the pain or underlying condition. Some alternative therapy options like acupuncture or laser therapy are becoming more commonplace to treat certain types of pain, too. Before giving your dog any type of medication or therapy, talk to your vet first.
What is IVDD in dogs?
IVDD, or intervertebral disc disease, is a condition where the jelly-like cushions in between the segments of your dog’s spin bulge and put pressure on the spinal cord. This impingement can cause pain and numbness in your dog. Certain breeds, like Dachshunds, are more predisposed to this condition than others. IVDD is a serious condition that requires evaluation from your veterinarian.
Can back pain cause seizures in dogs?
Back pain is typically caused by diseases affecting the spinal cord, while seizures are caused by abnormalities in the brain. Therefore, back pain cannot cause seizures. In rare cases, a disease can affect both the spinal cord and the brain; in this situation, a dog may have both back pain and seizures. Back pain may also lead to muscle tremors that may be mistaken for seizures. Your veterinarian can help you determine whether your dog is experiencing seizures and/or back pain.
Can bladder stones cause back pain in dogs?
Bladder stones can lead to signs suggestive of back pain. Just like people, animals can experience “referred pain,” in which pain from one location is felt in another part of the body. Pain from the bladder may be referred to the back, causing affected dogs to act as though they have back pain. You will need a veterinarian’s evaluation to confirm whether bladder stones are causing discomfort in your dog.