Vegan Dog Chews: What to Look For On the Label

No meat, no problem. As vegan diets go mainstream, a growing number of the 9.7 million Americans who have adopted plant-based diets also want vegan options for their pets.
The latest research shows that almost half of pet owners who expressed interest in transitioning their pets to plant-based diets wanted information about the nutritional value of vegan pet foods and treats.
Reading the labels on the plethora of pet foods, treats, and chews formulated without meat or other animal products provides important information for pet owners.
What Are Vegan Dog Chews?
Vegan dog chews are made without meat, cheese, and other animal products that are often used in pet foods and treats. The majority of treats and chews on the market are made with chicken, beef, turkey, or other novel meat-based proteins like venison or bison. But vegan treats and chews are different—they’re mostly made from plant-based ingredients.
The recipes for high-quality vegan chews are still veterinarian-formulated, made with delicious, nutritious ingredients, and are subjected to rigorous testing. The equipment used to make vegan pet products is also cleaned between each batch to ensure there is no cross contamination. The process ensures that pet parents can feel confident offering vegan chews to their four-legged companions.
Vegan Dog Chews: Common Ingredients

In the place of animal proteins and inexpensive ingredients, vegan chews are often made with premium, non-GMO ingredients such as brewer’s yeast, an excellent source of amino acids and protein, and organic flaxseed, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that are linked with improved heart health and decreased inflammation.
Vegan chews also contain ingredients such as sweet potato flour, organic palm fruit oil, pea protein, and tapioca flour that are chock full of nutrients.
What to Look for When Choosing Vegan Dog Chews

Read the labels carefully before purchasing vegan pet chews. The ingredient list should not contain animal products or cheap fillers and should contain ingredients pet owners recognize and can pronounce. Look for label claims such as vegan, non-GMO, and grain-free to ensure that vegan chews are made with the highest quality ingredients.
Research the companies making vegan chews, too. Reputable manufacturers make veterinarian formulated products that adhere to strict standards and undergo rigorous third-party testing.
Look for proof that products are made in facilities with Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certifications and view Certificates of Analysis or COAs for each product. cGMP guarantees that facilities meet all federal safety regulations and COAs, which are issued by accredited, independent laboratories that certify the products contain the active ingredients listed on the label and are free of harmful ingredients such as lead, arsenic, heavy metals, pesticides and mold.