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How to Look After Yourself While Raising a Puppy

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The first few days of life with a new puppy can feel as blissed-out and joyful as falling in love, because that’s exactly what’s happening. Your new best friend just might be the cutest creature ever.

But then reality sets in. Your puppy is a teething, pottying, zooming maniac that seems to consider you nothing more than a chew toy. You’re overtired and frustrated, and questioning your decision making abilities, because this madness is not what you signed up for. 

It might be heartening to learn that this uncomfortable sensation is part of the process. After all, your normal routines have been turned upside down!

Of course, you have put your new pup’s needs at the forefront during the critical developmental stages, but it’s just as important to keep yourself sane and healthy. So how do you look after yourself while raising a puppy? Read on for tips!

Can New Pet Parents Get the Puppy Blues?

The fact is, nearly every new puppy guardian goes through an adjustment period called the puppy blues, or the time when the harsh realities of raising a dog feel overwhelming. Believe it or not, I’m currently experiencing them as a brand new puppy guardian myself, even with my years and years of dog training experience! We recently welcomed a 5-month old Pug-Chihuahua mix named Boris into our home (at left), and while he’s a dream dog, after living with easygoing senior dogs, it feels like our life is a little out of control right now. 

Pug-Chihuahua puppy playing in fall leaves
The author’s new Pug-Chihuahua mix, Boris/Photo courtesy of Victoria Schade

Puppyhood is all about growth and discovery, which means that your new bestie probably acts like they don’t have an “off” switch. You might find that the quiet moments you crave, whether first thing in the morning while you drink your coffee, or at the end of the day when you want to unwind, are temporarily a thing of the past.

This can lead to feelings of frustration and weariness, and even second guessing if you made the right decision to adopt a puppy. Again, they’re all normal responses to the upheaval that comes with a demanding and occasionally challenging new presence in your home. Getting through this stage requires patience, but rest assured that with a little bit of planning and a whole lot of patience, there’s hope!

How to Look After Yourself While Raising a Puppy: 4 Tips

Some of the facts of puppyhood can’t be changed; you’ll likely lose sleep thanks to middle of the night for potty trips, and your pup will keep you on your toes trying to eat everything within reach despite your puppy proofing. Until your pup has matured you’ll find yourself in a near constant state of vigilance, which can be exhausting and frustrating. You can minimize the stress by following these simple tips:

#1 Set yourself up for success

An often overlooked part of the puppy raising process is planning ahead. Not only does doing so allow you to be a more effective puppy guardian, pre-planning can help you stay sane. For example, rather than fumbling around in the middle of the night trying to find your shoes and a flashlight for a potty trip, plan ahead and have everything ready to go at your bedside before lights-out. Or if your pup tries to follow you out the front door when you bring in groceries or get the mail, plan ahead and put up a baby gate to prevent a scary game of chase. The more you can predict and prevent avoidable challenges, the easier it’ll be in the long run for both of you. 

#2 Take advantage of the downtime

Despite the fact that your new pup seems nonstop at all times, they will need to nap, eventually. Use those moments when your pup is resting quietly in the crate to tackle those tasks that are easier solo. Make that important phone call, sweep up the floor without having to fight with a playful pup, or better yet, steal a few minutes to rest!  

#3 Stock up on activity toys

Your busy pup needs outlets for their energy and it can’t always be you, which is why it’s important to have a wide variety of bones and treat-stuffable rubber toys. I rely on activity toys stuffed with peanut butter and treats when Boris is raring to go but we don’t have time for a walk or a game of tug, and I make sure to swap them out frequently, to keep him on his toes. Then once my day frees up, I can devote some focused one-on-one attention to him. 

#4 Ask for help

It’s easy to try to be a puppy superhero and do it all yourself, but there’s nothing wrong with calling in reinforcements. Whether it’s getting a family member to take puppy duty for a few hours, or reaching out to a friend with a sociable dog that can help wear out your pup on a playdate, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.  

Raising a Puppy: The Bottom Line

While puppyhood is an adorable life stage, the truth is, it ain’t easy. The puppy blues are an almost inevitable part of the acclimation process no matter how dog-centric your background, take it from me! You’ll make mistakes, you might wind up crying and questioning your sanity, but when your whirlwind of fur and sharp teeth gives you the look of love, you’ll realize that in the end, it’s worth all the drama.