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Senior Pet Care Center








Pet parent with dog and cat on couch

Just like us, our lovable fur babies will age and could require different health needs over time. There may be more frequent veterinary visits and dia...

If you are fortunate enough to share life with a senior dog, you’re in great company. According to the latest statistics, over half of the dog-ownin...

Sharing your home (and heart) with a senior cat comes with many benefits, including the deep bond you’ve built over time. But, no matter how well yo...

Our pets are often full of surprises! Some dogs might beg for blueberries and pass up peanut butter, while others might love to swim but refuse to wal...


English Bulldog at vet

Kidney stones in dogs are a relatively rare, but potentially serious, condition. It’s estimated that up to 3 percent of dogs are affected by urinary...

Vet checking Beagle dog

A kidney infection in dogs – known medically as pyelonephritis – can be a serious issue for your canine companion.  The kidneys function to r...

Tortoiseshell cat with green eyes

Cats thrive on routine. Many like eating at the same time, sleeping in the same spots, and using a certain litter box. But when they get older, some c...

Cat with heart disease laying down sad

Heart disease is one of the many diseases that our cats have in common with us, although it looks a bit different in our feline companions. Feline hea...


Sick Chihuahua on bed

Our dogs’ health resembles our own in more ways than we may realize. Dogs develop many of the same health conditions that we do, including kidney fa...

Dog with rotten teeth

Rotten dog teeth is a broad, non-technical term that can describe any form of dental disease in dogs. However, it generally evokes thoughts of teeth t...

A good snuggle often gets you up close and personal with your cat, whether they’re nestling under your chin, curling up on your chest, or delivering...

Cat lifting paw

Cats are known to hide their pain, but if you see a cat limping, that is an obvious sign that they are in a lot of pain—enough pain that they can’...


Dog looks up and is worried

A worried look on a dog’s face can understandably cause concern for a pet parent. But do dogs actually worry and, if so, what can make them feel thi...

Happy dog on lovely white dog bed but why is dog peeing on bed

What could be more frustrating than getting ready for a good night’s sleep only to discover your dog has peed on your bed? Peeing on beds is a rathe...

Cat grooming herself

Cats are excellent self-groomers. So excellent, in fact, that they don’t need to take baths with water. Their tongues are rough like bristles on a b...

cat staring with big eyes

Staring is rude — but our feline companions don’t have any qualms about displaying this behavior. For cats, it would be bizarre not to stare. They...


Senior dog eagerly anticipates food bowl brimming with senior dog nutrition

According to pet health researchers, today’s canines are living longer than ever before. One study clocks the average life expectancy of US dogs at

Dog eating food from elevated bowl

If your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, you’re not alone: 1 in 4 dogs will develop abnormal tissue growth at some point in their lives [1]. Than...

Grey senior cat eats nutritious food from a green bowl against a white brick wall

If you’re the parent of an aging cat, it’s quite possible that you’ve been feeding them the same diet for most of their adult life. Now that the...

cat eating cat food

Pet parents do their best, but sometimes it’s easy to overlook things when it comes to a cat’s nutrition and feeding. You can work towards giving

Care Tools

We know that senior pets require special care. Our tools help you to manage your pet’s health.

Care tools

Weight Tracker

We make it easy to track your pet’s weight using our FREE weight tracker.

Care tools


Add reminders for things like medication, and set alerts for product recalls to keep your pets healthy.

Care tools

Health Journal

Log your pet’s health events to track things like reactions to food, surgeries, grooming and more.

Care Tools

We know that senior pets require special care. Our tools help you to manage your pet’s health.

Care tools

Weight Tracker

We make it easy to track your pet’s weight using our FREE weight tracker.

Care tools


Add reminders for things like medication, and set alerts for product recalls to keep your pets healthy.

Care tools

Health Journal

Log your pet’s health events to track things like reactions to food, surgeries, grooming and more.